To acquire, preserve and conserve Arabic and Persian original sources of historical and cultural importance available in Rajasthan or pertaining to Rajasthan.
To promote and cultivate Arabic and Persian research and studies based primarily on the above mentioned sources and to provide facilities and amenities to scholars therefor.
To edit, translate, publish and decipher original sources.
To commission competent scholars to facilitate editing, deciphering, translating etc. of original sources and to undertake work on various aspects related to the objectives of the Institute.
To facilitate and assist in the documentation of Arabic and Persian source material of research value available with bodies other than the Institute.
To encourage, facilitate and to establish techniques of research methodology in Arabic and Persian studies.
To undertake and encourage the study of the declining oriental arts like calligraphy and paleography etc.
To institute prizes, scholarships, fellowships and awards for research and higher studies in Orientalogy.
To undertake all necessary measures to promote and advance the aims and objects of the Institute e.g. to organize seminars, symposia, colloquia, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and extension lectures etc. and publication of research Journals.