
The Bharatiya Lok Kala Mandal has made significant strides in the field of research, experiments and production of folk theatre arts. Zakir Hussain, President of India

Recently, at Nagpur, I saw folk dances performed by a troupe from Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal of Udaipur Previously, I have seen their performances in Delhi also and have liked them. Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India 

The puppets were handled with commendable skill and the performances was both delightful and impressive.Lal Bahadur Shastri, Prime Minister of India

US lifted the performance to an altogether different plane. K. Rukmini Menon, Embassy of India, Copenhagen

The most distinguished troupe of Indian puppets we have met abroad. The troupe amazed the trench public with its skill.Director Centre De Relation France 

Wonderful Show.His Majesty the King of Bhutan 

We are very much impressed by the magic world of Indian puppets.German Television sluttg 

The items were very much appreciated for their genuine character, simplici originality and colourfulnessII--International Puppet Festival Bucharest

 They commanced audience attention through sheer vitality, impressive technical skill and silk production methods.Indian Express Delhi

 This performance is the forst in Delhi of its kind. The spectacle as a whole is a feast for the eye.The statesman Delhi The Mandal presented to the public of Delhi, the rich tradition of folk art to be better known all over the country.The Times of India Indian puppets were lively, colourful, and fascinating.American Daily (Rome) 

The Indian troupe appeared under our eves in the most beautiful folk dances and puppetry.Ab-sabah (Tunisa)

 Highly artistic programme which created admiration among Swedish public